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How to be a Sponsor/Donor

At Money Management Counselors, our staff is the heart of our mission, and your generous contributions are the lifeblood that keeps it beating. Your dollars directly support our invaluable time with clients and provide the essential resources needed to facilitate impactful sessions.


With your support, we can continue our commitment to a holistic one-on-one approach that goes beyond mere financial considerations. We delve into the intricacies of relationships, the emotional aspects of money, and the challenges our clients face. Even in the absence of face-to-face interactions, our virtual sessions maintain the same empathetic dialogue, ensuring that the emotional toll on our clients is understood and addressed with clarity.


As we face the challenges of 2024, your support becomes more critical than ever. We are dedicated to navigating these challenges, but we can't do it alone. We can make a lasting impact through the unwavering support of our community. Your donation empowers us to forge ahead, creating positive change and fostering resilience.


Join us in our mission to make a difference. Your continued support is not just appreciated; it is indispensable. Together, we can build a future where every individual we serve finds the support they need.


Thank you in advance for your generosity and commitment to our shared vision.


We thank you in advance for your support!

What your contribution can support and where you can ask for your dollars to go...

$25.00 covers

  • Pays for mailed materials and phone cost to counsel one client over the phone who does not have computer access

  • pays for the one-time counseling fee for a client

  • It covers the cost for a person to PARTICIPATE in a one hour a financial wellness workshop

  • Covers the overhead cost of an on-line consultation

$125.00 covers

  • Sponsorship for Money Mindset Makeover Workshop

$250.00 covers

  • Pays for material adaptation to video for an instructional program

  • Pays for program and security measures to develop online services

  • Pays for a day of High School Financial Literacy PROGRAMMING

  • A portion of a Community Speaking Engagement

  • It covers the cost for a person to par5icipate in  a full day financial wellness workshop

  • Newsletters, marketing, website maintance

$2500.00 covers

  • Supports operating cost to conduct one on one COUNSELING services in our community

  • It covers the majority of the cost for a 4 to 6-week on-line workshop

  • Covers re-certifications  for counseling services and extended services

  • Supports future PROGRAMMING expansions and adaptation in the schools

  • Supports our mobile office cost and safety measures

  • Major Sponsorship for Annual Event

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